Cherished Moments

Motherhood, it is the most enjoyable, difficult, rewarding, challenging thing I have ever done. If anyone had tried to warn me of how hard it would be I never would have believed them. It is a constant battle of struggle and joy all at once. Most importantly I wouldn’t change my circumstances for the world, and I am most thankful to have a saviour who carries me though the hard days, and rejoices with me in the victories!

Women of old have shared their wisdom with me to “just enjoy the kids while you have them, while they are young”. As older women, they are now living alone nearing the end of life, looking back, cherishing those moments they once had. Right now I am living it and I so desperately want to cherish every moment in the most positive way, however I won’t put that pressure on myself because I know its not possible on my own. I am not perfect, though at times I try to be, I will fail, I will make mistakes and no I don’t want to cherish those times. What I do however want to cherish is the growth from those experiences. I want to look back on my day and cherish the ways that God is using my difficulties and struggles to shape and mold me into being more like him.  With him, I know I can actually cherish every moment. This life is not about comfort, or ease, it is about preparing ourselves for the coming times where Jesus will return to us.

My greatest desire is to glorify God in all I do, how I act, what I say…and yes I will fail at times, but I am trying my best and that is all I can ask of myself. The more I pray, the more I surrender, the stronger I become. In God’s word he says:

My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses.

2 Corinthians 12:9

I have always loved this verse because it reminds me that I am NOT supposed to be perfect. I am weak, and God’s POWER is made PERFECT in my weakness. WOW! He is perfect so I don’t have to be. HURRAY! Pressure off…phew! I hope one day I will stop trying to be perfect, but until then I know I have his grace and mercy and I will continue to accept my daily best.

So to you other mamas out there, as Christmas approaches and there is so much to do (and so many moments to cherish), I pray you will be able to let go of perfection and just embrace your families this season. Cherish the moments because they are fleeting, be present, your children and husband love you for you not for what you do! Remember that!

If you do fail, know that there is a loving saviour who loves you and wants to come into your life and give you hope and joy and peace! If you give your life to Jesus you too can cherish all moments, good and bad. I promise you, you won’t be disappointed!

With Love,


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